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2017-08-11 03:36:52
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Titans of Atlantis

A private roleplay between [The Black Cat in Your Path] and [Sheamus Finn].


Characters worthy of note:

Calia, 25 years old


Brison, 27 years old


Titans of Atlantis: History 1
Titans of Atlantis: History 2
Titans of Atlantis: History 3
Titans of Atlantis: History 4


The next morning found the house of Quintus eerily quiet. The dead bodies and blood had been cleaned from the halls by what few maids and slaves had survived, but the stench and unease of the attack still lingered. Very few in the house had managed to get any sleep.

Zarka was one of them. She sat up in her bed currently, hugging herself tightly, her eyes haloed by dark circles and her skin ashen. She swallowed hard and sniffled. She had never been so close to death before. She licked her lips and wiped at her eyes. She had gone to see Quintus the night before, to tell him of the attack, but he had sent her home without him. He had been so... callous. It made her sick how little he seemed to care for her or Isidor, or even his own son, Ragan. She sniffed again and took a shaky breath.

Ragan knocked lightly on the door before simply walking in, he had instructed the guards and gladiators to keep a sharp eye out while he checked on his stepmother. His resentment at his father only grew after the trip to see him after the attacks, still the old fool had lost Zarka and Ragan did not feel badly about that. Without a word he sat beside Zarka and drew her into his arms, "Have you slept at all?" he asked in a quiet tone, "The house is secure, you should take a little time to relax and sleep."

Zarka sniffled and shook her head. She nuzzled her face into his chest and hugged him back lightly, but her hands were trembling. "No... I cannot. I cannot think about anything else. I am ill with fear, Ragan. And contempt. Your father cares nothing for you or me anymore. Not even when our lives were threatened." she hissed. 

"That is why we have each other." Ragan said, holding her closely. His hands stroked her back in an attempt to calm her, "I know this has taken a toll upon you. You should try to take some rest, Noam has given us a large number of men to help protect the house, including Brison and Dominus. And you know I will protect the soon to be mother of my children with my life." Ragan had not killed since his military time had ended, in truth the whole reason he served was that it made his father look better in the senate. But he was done helping his father's quest for power.

Zarka sniffled against his chest quietly, her body trembling with sobs under his arms. She took a heavy breath and pulled away from him, looking up at him. "I know you will, Ragan. You already have, last night." she whispered and sniffled. "I am so glad you're unharmed..." Her bottom lip quivered again and fresh tears fell. "I felt so helpless. I ran like a coward. You could have died and I just-" She hiccupped a sob and hid her face into his chest again. "I'm s-so sorry..."

He lifted he chin and kissed her lips, "You did what you should have, you went to summon the defense of the house. I'm glad you didn't have to see me kill that man, it might have changed how you felt about me." Ragan lied a little to her, as the drowning man beat against him Ragan felt powerful. No doubt had Zarka seen his face she might believe he was a bloodthirsty as some of the gladiators. "Lie back, I will stay here with you and provide comfort until you sleep. The men have the defense of the house for a little while."

Zarka looked up at his face with a tired sort of daze behind her tears. She had clearly been feeling guilty about this all night, and it was perhaps the reason she had not slept well. She sniffled and kissed him again, her hands on his chest. "Ragan," she whispered quietly against his lips, "Help me sleep... help me forget last night. Make love to me?"

"Of course, anything I can do to help you." he said as he slowly opened her robe revealing her body to him again. His stepmother was a woman of beauty even like this, slowly he began to kiss her skin as his fingers finished stripping her. Quickly he removed his clothes and joined her in bed, wasting no time he entered her not with the white hot passion of past times of sexual desire. No, this time he was slower and more gentle with Zarka, he only sped up or increased their tempo as she asked for it. The longer they did this the more he wanted her, not here in his father's chambers, in his chambers and in his bed.

Zarka moaned for him in soft mewls, her legs entwined about him like ivy around marble pillars. She kissed him fully on the mouth, her tongue tangling with his. When they climaxed together, she held him close and breathed hot in his ear. Then she whispered quietly, "Ragan... my love... I am with child." She pulled back slightly so she could see his face, her eyes once again full of tears.

"Good, my father will believe our baby is his and only we will know the truth. And I will get to watch your beauty grow as our child grows within you." he whispered back with a small smile. This news made him desire her more, his lover now carried his child, their future was starting inside her body. His father was a fool and would never know that truly he had only one son who would eclipse him, be better than he could ever be. WIthout saying anything else, he took her hand and set it upon his member, "Your news has brought my desire back. Shall we make love again, or shall I let you finally sleep my love?"

Zarka's lips pressed together thinly. She withdrew her hand from him and scooted back and away from him. She shook her head, her hair hiding her face a little. "No.. let me sleep, please." she whispered. "I suddenly feel very tired." She sniffled and quickly wiped at her face. His reaction had been very anticlimactic for her. She had hoped for him to jump up and down, scream thanks to the gods, maybe even cry with joy. She thought he had wanted this. All he could say was "good"? All he could think about was how to hide it from his father? She curled up on her side with her back to him, pulling the sheets up to her chin.

Ragan sensed her thoughts to his reaction and moved behind her, "Zarka, I'm sorry if my reaction was not what you wanted. I wish to call out to all creation my joy. But, to do so would probably bring half the slaves and the guards to this room to find us out. And remember what could happen if my father found out, my concern now has to be to protect you and our baby for I would never let his anger harm either of you. I am truly ecstatic that fate allowed us to bring forth a child conceived in love, he or she will be a perfect child. Wanted and loved by their parents, the first of many I hope." he hoped she would accept his words as he slipped his hand around and held her stomach in his hand. He could not wait to see the child, to know that they had brought about something so magical.

Zarka gently pushed his hand away from her. "You do not have to scream for the slaves to hear to portray your joy, Ragan." she mumbled sadly. "You could have smiled. Kissed me. Held me. Told me you loved me, and that you were happy. This should have been a beautiful moment... I tried to make it so and I clearly failed. All you wish to speak of is how to keep us secret... and how much you wish to fuck me again." Her tone was harsher at the end, and then she sniffled quietly. "Please, leave me be." She curled around herself a little tighter and pulled the sheets over her ears now, hiding her face.

Ragan wanted to say something else, but there were no words that would suffice. He got out of bed and dressed, then knelt by the bed. "I am sorry, I do love you and the child. So much that I am scared of the thought of losing the best parts of my life, everything I love I lose. I suppose that is still true if you no longer wish to be with me." he said quietly before standing up to leave.

She grabbed his wrist to stop him, but she didn't look up at him. Her grip on him was loose. "I love you... and you will not lose us. But your father will realize this child is not his. As busy as he is, he is not unintelligent. Your father and I have not lain together in... many moons..." she whispered honestly. "He will know, Ragan. Even if he didn't suspect, this child and I deserve far better than to be kept secret. I think you should consider that very deeply before you come back to see me again." She released his wrist slowly and withdrew her arm back under the blankets before her body gave a subtle tremble of a contained sob.

Ragan returned to the site of the corpses and began searching, he noticed someone else had been looking for the same thing he was. The identity of the invaders, if he could find them then perhaps he could redirect them to where they needed to be. It was only after turning the third one over he noticed the mark and then Dominus. "Well, how fares the defense of the estate? Is there anything we need to see to?"

"No, master," Dominus said instantly and obediently, giving a bow of his head out of respect. "The perimeter is secure. We have your gladiators and the ones Noam has sent stationed around the entire property, but I doubt the enemy will risk an attack in the daylight. We've looked at the bodies of the intruders and found the house mark brandished on their hides, but no one on my team nor yours recognizes the symbol. Do you, master Ragan?"

"Bronzegarde." Ragan said, "Assassins and thieves, where are their weapons?" He knew they could be found if you knew where to look, and it just so happened that he did. A plan was forming in his mind and no matter which way it went things would work out very well for him and Zarka.

Dominus bowed his head again, but shook it. "We have not found them yet." he reported reluctantly. "We've scoured the gardens the most, since that's where it was reported they came from, but we still do not see anything." He tapped his fingers against the hilt of his sword and pressed his lips together, looking around slowly. "Do you think they were bought to attack this place?"

"Yes, but the question is who were they after?" Ragan answered. "I will head into the city on my own and make some polite inquiries into it. I leave you and Brison to defend my stepmother and our home in my absence." he said before heading into the house. In his room was the sword he took from the man who came into the baths. It would suit his needs just fine.

Dominus gave another respectful and obedient bow at the waist at Ragan's orders and only straightened after he had left. He explained to another gladiator in charge what the plan was and then vanished upstairs to find Brison and tell him the update as well. When he got to the room, he knocked firmly and called, "Brother? Are you awake yet?"

The door opened and little Isidor looked up at the gladiator, and broke into a broad smile. Apparently, neither Brison or Calia had noticed that he had gotten up before them.

Dominus looked down at Isidor with a confused blink. He had met Isidor once before, but he had not expected the toddler to remember him. He smiled at him in return, though, and knelt in front of him so they were eye-to-eye. "Well, well, if it isn't little brother." he said and smiled at the child warmly. "Look at you. You get bigger every time I see you." He reached out and lightly squeezed the tiny muscles of his arms. "You are so strong! Will you be a strong warrior like your father?"

Isidor laughed and turned to point at the form of his sleeping father beside Calia, "Dada." Dominus could tell while Brison's armor was resting on a nearby chair that his blades were not there, meaning the gladiator had them within easy reach should he need them. Isidor turned and headed back to the bed, pushing at Calia's arm, "Mam. Mam."

Calia stirred gently and hummed through her sleepy stupor. Her senses snapped into awareness at Isidor's voice and she mumbled, "Hmm? What is it, baby?" she asked quietly, then sat up slightly. She looked back at where Dominus was waiting in the doorway and she smiled at him groggily. "Oh, good morning." she giggled with a blush. She turned to face Brison in the bed and lightly shook his shoulder. "Brison... Brison, Dominus is here for you."

Brison opened his eyes and yawned, "I didn't think it'd been that long." He rolled onto his back and sat up, "It must be something important or are we under attack again?"

Isidor took the chance and walked to his father's armor and put the way too large helmet on and looked back at Calia and again giggled.

Calia laughed at Isidor, too, and moved to him, adjusting the helmet for him gently. Dominus, meanwhile, entered the room and moved to close the door. "No, brother, not under attack again. It is late morning, and Ragan has completed his inspection of the aftermath. He's determined our attackers are Bronzegarde. They're a band of thieves and assassins here in the city... notorious. He's gone into the city to weed out who may have paid them to attack the manor."

Brison groaned and dropped his head to the pillow, his mission from Hestia was about to intersect with Ragan. The last thing he wanted to do was try to find the betrayer and deal with the Senator's son. "How long ago did he leave for the city?" he asked sitting up and throwing back the covers. If the Bronzegarde were vengeful about their losses then Ragan may be in serious danger.

"Not but moments ago. You might be able to catch him if need be." Dominus said, tilting his head at his friend. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, his brows furrowed. "Do you think they will attempt another attack?"

"Doubtful, but the chance to catch one of the house aloe without a guard they might not be able to resist. I will follow him and make sure he is fine." He began to dress and adjust his armor, "Isidor, while my helmet will belong to you one day I need it now."

Calia gave a little giggle at Isidor and leaned to take the helmet off of his head. Isidor pouted, but she tickled him under his chin and planted a kiss on his head, then offered the helmet to Brison.

Brison took the helmet and looked to Dominus, "Can I leave you again to see to the house's defense? I feel our time of just fighting in the arena is over." He picked up Isidor and hugged him before putting a kiss to his forhead. After putting him down he held Calia and kissed her then turned to clasp Dominus's arm.

Dominus traded grips with him, clasping his forearm in return, and nodded. "You can count on me, brother. This house is safe." he said seriously with a nod. "be safe and hurry back." Calia nodded in agreement with that prayer and hugged Isidor to her side.

While Brison had only left several minutes after Ragan, they had very different destinations, Brison would have to return to Noam for information. While Ragan went directly to an old acquaintance who could tell him where to find Bronzegarde and possibly who had sent them.

He entered an area of the local baths where a Phoenician woman named Jessebel was doing her secondary job of washing. It was her first as a dealer of information that he needed now, and he had some of his father's coin to find out what she knew.

Jessebel was a voluptuous woman who stood taller than most men and had long, curling blonde locks that cascaded down her back--when they weren't pinned up, of course. Her lips were full and always painted red, and her blue eyes shimmered like sapphires when she was feeling playful. She was washing a "client" and humming a song for him as she did when she felt the presence of another nearby. She paused in her washing and turned slowly to look at the newcomer, then smiled widely at Ragan. "Well, look what I am gifted with on such a fine morning!" she piped cheerfully. She rinsed the gentleman's back that she had currently been helping and then saw him on his way. She didn't bother covering herself as she approached Ragan, rising from out of the water like a Greek goddess from the clouds. "What can I do for the prestigious son of Quintus?" she asked, bowing in a graceful curtsy.

"Bronzegarde." he answered not looking her anywhere but her eyes, "They attacked my house last night and I want answers." He then took out a bag with gold inside, it wasn't the most he would offer but it was a decent amount to start with. Ragan had a plan and even a second plan that would be a little more difficult to work through, but if successful he would take care of all Zarka's fears in one.

Jessebel spotted the bag of gold instantly, her eyes drawn to it at the first jingle of the coins inside. A delighted smile split her full lips and she sauntered closer. "Hmm... Bronzegarde... Sounds familiar." she purred, wrapping slender fingers around the coin purse. "I seem to recall hearing something about them recently... As recently as yesterday, in fact."

Ragan put his free hand on her wrist, "And you will tell me and then I will hand you the pouch." Jessebel was a beauty and while he might have a passing thought about indulging, his plan to protect Zarka depended on speed and the information. "If the information is good, I might be able to get you a more respectable venue to gather your information." he dangled the possibilities just like he did the coins.

Her smile became a smirk, playful and mischievous, but she conceded and released the pouch. "Very well, Ragan. Your advantage," she acquiesced, then turned her back to him and teasingly bent at the waist to dip her hands into the warm water of the baths. She splashed it up across her chest and shoulders, all while leaving her backside open to him. "A man did come here yesterday asking about information about the Bronzegarde. He wanted to know where he could find them so he could buy them. He refused to say why, and he wore a hood and mask. I did not see his face."

Ragan took one hand and held her bent at the waist his other slid between her thighs and along her sex, "Come now Jessebel you assuredly know more than that. I have more gold available and the information is very important to me." he punctuated the remark by letting a finger slip inside her. Zarka's earlier rebuff was still fresh in his mind, while he would not grant a woman like Jessebel with a child he might indulge to lighten his mood.

She gasped as he slid a finger easily inside of her. She shivered and tensed with a gasp of a moan, wiggling her hips a little against him. "Oooh, well, let me think," she crooned playfully, closing her eyes. She hummed a little and ran one of her hands along his arm to his hand, holding it lightly. "He was wearing a hood and mask... But the cowl was of high quality. Velvet... Mmm, smelled like cinnamon." She shivered. "His face was hid, but his hands were not... They were old hands." she mumbled. "He had a ring on his right index finger... Gold. Ruby."

"And his voice?" Ragan asked begining to move his fingers back and forth inside her. The hand at her waist moved to cup one of her breasts and tease her nipple. His method of interrogation was working well on the woman and he was almost sure he knew who hired the Bronzegarde. "Have you taken steps to protect from an unwanted child? A pessary perhaps?" he asked moving his fingers with a little more purpose.

Jessebel laughed and rolled her head back against him, her eyes closed. "So many I am practically impotent." she whispered with another moan. "But if you want more information, you will need to restrain yourself, Master Ragan." She moaned and rolled her hips back against his hand and shivered again. Her eyes were still closed and she hummed again, almost in a trance. "His voice was... not deep. Not like most men... but dignified... commanding... false strength for the sake of others." she gasped. "He is a leader."

"I only need one more answer and then we can both have what we want." Ragan said releasing his manhood and slowly placing it against Jessebel's entrance. "Where did you tell him that he could find Bronzegarde?" the hand that toyed with her chest pinched her nipple and pulled lightly on it. "Tell me and not only will I leave the pouch, but I will satisfy this desire I stoke inside you."

She moaned, but it also sounded a bit like a laugh. "I told him he could find them in the Hills. They gather there sometimes... in the night they take their bribes." She leaned up straight and put her back to his chest, then she turned her head towards him, her eyes still closed. "You would have me now, in this rawness... when a lady who loves you and is carrying your child waits for you?" She slowly opened her eyes, revealing them a blinding white from her pupils, to her irises, to her sclera.

Ragan stopped, "Then tell me seer, who sent them to kill her and our child? She fears being found out and I fear what will happen to her if we are found out." Already his plan was expanding; Bronzegarde had suffered heavy losses and it was doubtful they had enough members to try again. He found a deep regret growing inside that he almost did what he swore to Zarka he would never do.

Jessebel's smile turned up at the corners, her white eyes seeing him and yet looking past him. She shivered again and just let him hold her. "You know who it was..." she purred quietly. She pulled away from him and bent at the waist again, reaching down into the water of the baths. When she drew her hand out this time, it was in a closed fist. She held it out to him and slowly opened her fingers, palm up. Sitting in her palm was a gold ring with a ruby set in the middle--the same ring his father usually wore. "He used it to pay for my services," she whispered.

Now it was Ragan's turn to smile, "I'm going to repay my father in kind for what he has done." Pulling out the second pouch he put it in her hand, "In case any one asks I spent a great deal of tonight here with you." Then quickly he turned and left, his father would be at the Senate still and his plan would work out well this evening.

Jessebel hugged the two pouches of coins to her full bosom and smiled at Ragan's departing back. "Luck to the son of Quintus!" she called playfully. Her eyes were back to normal now.

Ragan used his knowledge of the Senate to slip inside without being seen and into his father's office. It was easy since the Senate was in session and he quickly penned several letters in his father's hand. He then placed the letters to be found and hid out of sight and waited, his father was a man of habit and would come back and pour over his papers until late and that would be Ragan's time.

The Senate meeting had been a long one. Quintus returned to his office after another hour past Ragan's infiltration. He was in company of another male, this one younger, and who walked behind Quintus rather than beside him--a subordinate. Quintus took a seat at his desk with a tired sigh and the young man brought him a goblet of water to sip. "Brosus, I cannot take one more stalemate gathering like that. They're all bafoons! Fighting to keep barbaric gladiator games in session in the city."

"Yes," the young Brosus sighed, running a hand through healthy, curly brown hair, "they are all mad, aren't they? Well, all but the one gentleman... He seems perfectly sane. He's on your side, after all." Quintus grunted around the rim of his glass and then set it down, using both hands to massage his temples. Brosus frowned and moved to Quintus' side, touching his arm lightly. "You should rest. These documents can wait until later, can't they? Its been a long morning for you."

Quintus glanced up at Brosus wearily and nodded in agreement. "As true as that may be... These are matters that simply cannot wait." He grabbed a paper and began to read, but Brosus interrupted by rather boldly perpetuating himself between Quintus and the parchment, and set his backside comfortably on the surface of the table, facing Quintus. He looped his arms around Quintus' shoulders and smiled mischievously. Quintus sighed, but it was light, and gave Brosus a small smirk. "You care too much about my health."

"How else am I to keep you alive long enough to enjoy you?" Brosus asked with a shrug and a tilt of his head. He kept his smile on and leaned forward, their faces close. "I finally have you all to myself. I'm not about to lose you to some parchment."

Quintus laughed and closed the space between them. He wrapped his arms around Brosus and pulled their bodies flush together as their mouths met in a chaste but rather passionate kiss that elicited happy hums from the younger gentleman.

Ragan waited until they were done and Brosus left before stepping out, "So, this is why you spend so much time here? You spurned Zarka for Brosus, does he wish to carry your child as well? I know you sent Bronzegarde to kill her and me and I have your ring as proof. Besides, imagine what scandal there will be if it is shown you carrying on with him. Standing among Senators gone, the ear of the Emperor deaf to you. I hope your lover's cock is enough for you, because the minute I leave your life is over, think of what the courts will do when Zarka takes this to them. Not even a penny because you broke the bond of marriage for another man." He laid everything out, for now he had his father trapped, he would lose everything unless he bought Ragan's silence.

Quintus stood slowly from where he had settled in his seat behind his desk between the time Brosus left and Ragan appeared. He glared hard at his son but held his hands up placatingly. "Ragan, you don't know what you saw." he said quietly, carefully, his eyes steady.

"I saw you and Brosus here kissing as you never kissed Zarka. I have the ring and the truth from the seer under the baths and I have this." he said pulling the Bronzegarde blade. "I finally have you all to myself. I'm not about to lose you to some parchment. Isn't that what Brosus said? You and I will come to terms or I will take every piece of evidence and destroy you. So, you will need to decide which way to throw away your life Quintus. Your gay lover behind your wife's back or the fact you hired assassins to kill her and your son, which do you think will be the lesser? Perhaps if you get time in the prisons you can get all the men you desire. Choose Now!" Ragan said his eyes equally hard.

Quintus' lip curled up in a sneer. He swallowed hard though and lowered himself to sit back down in his seat, back rigid and hands flat on his desk where Ragan could see them. "I did not order Bronzegarde to kill you or anyone else. I was comfortable in my secrets, just like you and Zarka were comfortable in yours. Do you think me a fool, Ragan? Do you think me blind? I see the way you and Zarka look at one another... Hear how you speak to and about each other... I bought her for me But you two clearly have claimed one another. And I wish you both well. Perhaps you can give her the child I could not. Is it so wrong That I wanted that balance and affection from someone else?"

"Don't lie to me, Jessebel had your ring and told me that you came asking about Bronzegarde and she told you where to find them. When news of Zarka being pregnant reaches you, you will accept the congratulations of becoming a father again, or I will expose you. In the second drawer you will find letters written by you that will remain there in case you decide to take your life to dodge the shame or your killers come for you since the attack failed. Your seat in the Senate will be left to me, and you encourage Zarka to have a child by your bloodline, even marry me if she so chooses. I don't want you coming back to the house except when we summon you. And if they attack again, I will not hesitate coming here and killing you outright, do we have an agreement Quintus?"

Quintus slammed his hands on the desk loudly and screamed, "I did not pay murderers to go after you!" He glared at his son and stood again, this time fast and angry. "When?! When?! She is already pregnant, is she? No doubt full of your seed to sloshing since I left the house." he spat. "You never could keep your dick away and never could think clearly about what was in front of you once you felt slighted! Do you honestly think the Senate Will believe you when all you have is my ring from my room and the word of a blasphemous seer?! They are men of logic, they do not believe in such preposterous mythical things! And why would they care about my choosing to sleep with Brosus over a woman I purchased and who has forsaken me by sleeping with my son and bearing his child?!" He snorted at his son. "You have nothing on me but contempt, Ragan."

Ragan smiled at his father, "You married said purchased woman then started this relationship in which many in the senate and among the people would see you both stoned. And many still venerate the seer, as it is one still remains in the coastal tower with the men who aim the storm weapon. And does not a seer warn of approaching ships, I think a great many people would take a seer's word over a Senator which goes against the laws. I waited until you made it clear you would not touch her ever again, since you prefer another type of genitals before going to her. Accept my terms Quintus, for even if you could convince The Emperor and Senate, the people and courts would side with Zarka and never trust you again." Ragan then fell silent, he had his father backed into a corner.

Quintus' jaw tensed. Clearly his attempt at dominant bravado had failed, so he sat back down slowly and folded his hands in front of himself. "I can leave the Senate... I can announce that I am stepping down I'm retirement, and that you will be taking my place... Though Brosus was supposed to get that honor. He has been my protege for months now, training and learning the procedure." he grumbled, making a sour face at the idea of taking that from him. "But I can step down... And vanish. You and Zarka can keep all of my money, the house... Except for what I need to survive."

"No need for that, I want you close to keep an eye upon you and begin to learn. You will just make some excuse why you don't come to the house as often and get a place here in the city, then you and Brosus can do as you wish. At some point you will retire and then you may do as you wish with him. Now, if you forgive me, I'm going to go check upon the house and inform Zarka that you are overjoyed that she is with child." he said nothing else and simply walked out of Quintus' chambers to head back to his house.

Quintus glared at Ragan's retreating back, seething on the inside. He had not anticipated Ragan finding out about Brosus. He sighed heavily and tried to get back to work.

Zarka was still laying, curled up on her side in the bed, the blankets pulled up to her ears. Calia had joined her, Isidor playing quietly on the floor in front of them. Calia merely sat on the bed with her, rubbing her back soothingly.

Ragan entered, in an improved mood after meeting with his father and stopping for something special of Zarka. Strawberries a favorite that Quintus refused to let her buy on her whim. "Hello, Calia and Isidor might I have a few moments alone with Zarka? That is with your permission, my lady." he said taking a knee at her side.

Calia watched Ragan, then glanced at Zarka, who nodded once dismissively. Calia bowed her head respectfully in response, then stood and gathered Isidor and his toys promptly and left the room. Zarka didn't move or speak until the bedroom door was closed. She looked at Ragan, peeking from just over the edge of the sheet, her amber brown eyes rimmed red, and said quietly, "what is this?" A vague motion beneath the sheet gestured to the box in his hands.

Ragan smiled at her, "An apology, a promise, and celebration all in one. But, you must lower the sheet so that I may see your beautiful face. Then you must close your eyes and no peeking." he felt so much better now about claiming their child and spending nights in his lover's arms. Everything was about to change and all for the better, he waited though to see if Zarka would trust him.

Zarka's delicate brows furrowed, but she sighed gently and pulled the sheet down and away from her face. She sat up on the bed and faced him rightly, and with one last tired frown at him, closed her eyes and relaxed her hands in her lap.

Ragan picked the best strawberry from the box and put it to Zarka's lips, "And bite, my lover." He then waited for her reaction to biting down on her favorite treat.

Zarka could already smell the strawberry against her lips. She wrapped her mouth around it and took the bite, then opened her eyes and looked at it, then at him. There were tears in her eyes as she finished chewing, fingertips against her lips modestly, but also to hide her trembling bottom lip. "Strawberries..." she choked out.

"Yes." Ragan said moving her hand to give her a small peck on her lips, "Never again will you have to ask for them, and when our baby is old enough they will have strawberries or anything else their mother wishes. We will not have to fear being found out, our child will be beautiful and strong because of us. I'm sorry that I let my fear of losing you and the baby if my father found out to taint my reaction, I am so happy and so in love with you Zarka. I will never be like Quintus, I won't neglect you, we are strong together from here on out I promise." he took her hand in his and held it.

Zarka sniffled thickly as she listened to him, fresh tears running down her cheeks. She gripped his hand and her nose scrunched as she tried to hold her tears back. "Ragan, I-" she started and swallowed hard to stifle a sob, "I need to know you really mean that... You say you are in love with me, but your actions earlier screamed lust. Not love. My belly will get big. I will gain weight and stretch marks and will be sick and cranky and... I will not be this beautiful creature you love to ravish. I need to know you will not lose what you feel for me now when I'm no longer so conventionally beautiful."

Ragan looked at her like she had just said something confusing, "You will always be beautiful to me, I will always desire and want you. I was angry when my father married you, for he did not deserve the wonderful woman that you are. The day of our first kiss was magical and only made me realize that you were the only woman I wanted. As far as my actions earlier it wasn't just lust it was desire and passion to be with the one person I will forever want to be with." he said reaching up to wipe away some of her tears.

Zarka sniffled again and held his hand against her cheek lovingly. "I will trust you..." she whispered softly. "But you are young yet and need to remember that passion and love can be expressed in more ways than just sex, my love. I will need more than that in the coming months and for a while after the baby is born."

"You are not that much older than me Zarka." Ragan teased. "And now I will not have to hide the fact that this" he put his hand on her stomach, "is my baby, my child born of love between us."

Zarka looked him in the eyes, her brows once again drawn together in confusion. "What do you mean... we don't have to hide it?" she asked, then her expression looked hopeful. "Did you end it? Did you kill Quintus?" she asked, grabbing his hands again tightly.

"I didn't have to." Ragan said, "I have something that will keep my father quiet and leave us alone. I will begin to learn his position as Senator then I told him I will allow him to leave the city and retire. But, if he tries to cause any problems for us I will destroy him."

Zarka blinked at him a moment, trying not to look too disappointed. She nodded and gave him a small smile though her tears. "I trust you." she whispered and then kissed his fingers gently. "I love you, Ragan... So much."

Ragan smiled at her again, "So, do we hope and plan for a son or for a daughter?" He popped a strawberry into his mouth and got comfortable beside Zarka. "I do not care which, but I like Alexander for a son or Ayda for a daughter." he mused putting his hand back in hers.

Her smile grew into something wider, happier, and she curled in against his side and took a strawberry for herself, biting it gently with a hum. She thought about it, then frowned and said, "Brison." She looked at him and then clarified, "Calia said that gladiator Brison went after you, to protect you. It was how she soothed me. Did you not see him? Did he come back with you?"

Ragan looked at her, "No, I would surmise he went to Noam and I know people to talk to. That reminds me, I do not want secrets between us of my movements. I know of a woman named Jessebel who works at the baths, she is the one who gave me the information for a pouch of coins. She tried to tempt me, but I did not lay with her you are my only one Zarka." He slid his hand along Zarka's side, "What names would you like for our child?"

Zarka studied him for a moment after his confession. Her smile was gone, but she didn't say anything else. She nodded and held his hand against her side, looking down into the box of strawberries. "Roe, if it's a boy... Sazia if it's a girl." she whispered.

Ragan looked at Zarka, "Do you wish to know what I am holding over my father? I'm not sure if I want to tell you as it might upset you." He paused a second reading her eyes, "Say something, I am being honest about paying the woman for information which led me to my father and that information which will allow us to be free."

"You said she tried to tempt you," Zarka said softly and then looked at him slowly after a moment. "But she's a virgin seer, is she not? How could a virgin know how to be a temptress?" she whispered. Her eyes studied him again, scrupulously. "Be honest with me, Ragan... I beg you, no more lies. If we start this family, with your seed growing inside me, it grows with honesty and integrity above all else."

"I can not attest to her virginity as she acted as a woman who knows how to act around a man. She was nude and did act provocatively, but I went there for information only. And once I got the information I left giving her coin and nothing else." Ragan said. He did not have sex with Jessebell only got information out of her and then headed to confront his father. "Besides, you are more fair and have a firm hold on my heart than she could ever be." he finished nudging her.

Zarka seemed satisfied with his insistence, and graced him with a patient, relieved smile. She leaned against him and grabbed his hand, placing it against her stomach affectionately. "How about a compromise? Alexander if it's a boy, Sazia if it's a girl?" She whispered.

"We will save the other names for the future brothers and sisters." Ragan said letting his fingers draw small circles on her stomach. He hoped that all the trouble was gone now, his father seemed to think that the people would accept what he was doing behind the doors of the Senate. It was still looked down on and Zarka could take him into the courts as it violated the marriage contract. "I hope we can keep some of Noam's men on until we know the threat is truly gone, my focus will be only to protect you if they do happen to come back."

"I could send for him? Maybe He would feel better staying here with us, to ensure his best gladiators' Well being. Or maybe he'll just demand payment for their duty. We can accommodate him either way." Zarka said with a nod.

"Master Noam, gladiator Brison has arrived for you and seeks your audience." a young squire announced at the door to Noam's study.

Brison did not wait for Noam's permission to enter the study, there was no time. "What can you tell me of Bronzegarde? They attacked the House of Quintus last night." He needed to find them before they could regroup and try again.

Noam looked up from where he sat at his desk, his head tilted and his eyes a bit surprised. "Is that why you're here and not there? To inform me of an attack I was already aware of?" he asked. "Lady Zarka sent me a message last night after the attack, asking for security, it's why I sent Dominus and the others to your aide." he grumbled. He sipped his wine slowly and eyed Brison. "Why are you here rather than guarding them there, if you're so worried about them attacking again?"

"Because, someone hired them and more than likely will order them to try again. Better I find and finish this before that happens. If we wish to get back to the business of the Arena than defeating this enemy is important enough to leave the security in Dominus' capable hands." Brison explained crossing his arms and hoping the old gladiator could give him an answer or point him in the right direction.

Noam studied Brison a moment and almost laughed--instead, it came out a snort. "And who appointed you the hunter of the Bronzegarde? For that matter, who appointed you the one who gets to decide where my gladiators are needed? You're still a slave, boy, don't forget that."

Brison realized now he would have to lay everything on the table and bring Noam into his confidence. "The small child that Ragan purchased with the woman for Zarka is my son. I hunt the Bronzegarde to protect him and the woman who cares for him."

Noam's face fell into something hard to read. He leaned back in his chair a little and said nothing for a while. Then he said quietly, "I did not know for sure, but I suspected they meant something to you." He stood from his chair and moved around his desk towards Brison slowly. "The Bronzegarde are a group of ruthless thieves and assassins... some sell swords, some former gladiators who murdered their owners and ran... All of them are liars and traitors. They are skilled and care nothing for women or children. They care only for gold and a place to put their cocks." He folded his hands in front of himself and stopped in front of Brison, then regarded him a moment. "If you go in there alone, you will not survive. You need at least a few comrades with you. And you need to play it smart. Someone paid the Bronzegarde to attack the house of Quintus. What we need to know are 'who' and 'why?'"

"I have no time for those questions, if you wish I will take several men with me. Or it might be better to bring the house of Quintus here where the gladiators can defend them. I leave this to your decision." Brison said leaving the decision to his commander.

Noam rubbed his hands together contemplatively as he eyed Brison with a small sigh through his nose. "We have very little space," he said, though his tone was not that of denial. He sighed again as he thought about it some more, then nodded. "Very well. Go back to the House Quintus and offer them shelter here, if they desire it. We will give them rooms for a few nights, until we feel the threat is thoroughly and properly dealt with."

Brison clapped his hand to his chest in salute and turned to leave, the house would be safe. And once here they could pursue Bronzegarde with more men and finish them. He hoped he was on the right trail for Hestia's deal.

On his way out of the house, Cranth came into his view. Cranth noticed Brison first and blinked at him before moving to his side and grabbing his arm to stop him. "Why are you here? Master Noam ordered you to the Quintus house. Has something happened?"

"I left Dominus in charge as I am looking for Bronzegarde, defeating them is key to protecting the house. Noam is inviting the house to come under his protection to free me to strike against them." Brison explained. He hoped that the assassins would think twice before attacking Noam's house with all the gladiators around.

Cranth's jaw tensed. "Bronzegarde?" He swallowed hard and his eyes went steely. He released Brison's arm and said in a low voice, "Take Cromignon with you. He will be of use to you, should you face these Bronzegarde."

Brison nodded again, "First things, to bring the innocent here under your watchful eyes. Then we will go hunt them down and in time find their masters." Brison turned and headed for the gates, the sooner he got back the sooner they would be safe.

Calia was busy cleaning as she waited for Brison's return. Dominus was with Isidor in their room, keeping an eye on him, but Calia was still a slave here and there was a lot of blood in the halls that needed cleaning up. She was on her hands and knees on the floor, scrubbing hard with a horsehair brush and soap at a large pile of blood on the stone. The sun was shining through the courtyard columns and it was unbearably hot here. She wiped at the sweat on her brow and sighed, taking a moment to catch her breath.

Brison had returned and found Isidor napping and Dominus watching over him, so he left to find Calia and if possible Ragan or Zarka. He found Calia taking her small break and went to get a glass of water from the well for her and wetted a cloth. "I think you could use these." he whispered coming up behind her. From behind he held the glass out in front of her, then after she took it he used the cloth to cool her and wipe away the sweat and heat from her skin. "Noam is issuing an invitation for the household to come to his until this is dealt with." he explained to her.

Calia gasped, a little startled by the appearance of arms around her. But the sight of the water glass and the cooling touch of the wet cloth elicited moans of relief from her. She sipped the water and listened to him, then turned to look at him slightly. "An invitation for the masters of the household, I believe... Isidor will go with Zarka, but there's no guarantee that I will, too."

"All the household." He said lifting her chin, "If you are not with Isidor then I can not go after Bronzegarde. I even believe that Ragan should go to Noam's. This house is not safe until they are defeated and the one who hired them is brought to justice." He then set her down on one of the benches and wiped her legs and bare feet with the cloth while she finished the water.

Calia had never been doted on before the way Brison doted on her. She smiled and finished her water slowly, enjoying the feel of the wet cloth washing away the sweat and grime from her legs and feet. "You pamper me too much, my love... One day I might forget that I'm merely a servant and not a queen." she giggled.

"One day you won't be a servant." Brison said looking up at her, "We'll be free and you'll be my wife and mother of our children. And I will still find time to bathe you and make sure you're comfortable in our home." he said finishing wiping her feet." Slowly he smiled at her as he put her foot back on the ground, "Isidor is asleep and Dominus is watching over him. I should find Zarka and Ragan soon and pass along the invitation then oversee the packing."

Calia nodded in agreement, but a playful smirk upturned her lips. "You should... But surely you can spare a few more minutes with me..? Minutes I could use to thank you for such loving treatment?" Her eyebrows rose and a pink blush warmed her cheeks.

Returning her playful smile Brison pulled her close to the edge of the bench and kissed her deeply. He would always have time for her, she gave so much and deserved so much in return. "Is there something particular you have in mind my love?" he asked when they broke the kiss.

Calia licked her lips, her hips giving a small shifting roll against him. "Let's find a place... There's an empty guest room down the hall... I need you inside me." She whispered this last part against his lips hotly, then grabbed his hands and stood, pulling him to his feet and down the hall to the empty guest room she'd indicated.

Brison did not argue and the second they closed the door behind them, he pressed her against it and kissed her hotly as his other hand slipped under her robes. If this was her wish then he would grant it gladly and as often as she wished. As he encountered her bare skin he began to pull the robes up until his fingers settled between her thighs and rubbed against her sex. Brison groaned as he felt her excitement wet his finger tips as he pressed them inside her body.

Calia moaned into his mouth at the touch. A shiver rolled up her spine and her fingers clutched at the muscles in his arms as her hips have a little jerk against his hand. She nipped his lip with her teeth and smiled at him, then her hands moved to quickly free his manhood.

Brison quickly pulled the rest of her robes off and resumed rubbing his lover to excite her even more, "Shall we move to the bed? Or do you have something else in mind?" he asked between long kisses. He was careful not to get her too excited, they both wanted some time in each other's arms. And after the last couple nights it made him glad that she was protecting their son.

Between kisses, Calia gasped out, "I don't care. I don't care where, I just need you." She kissed him hard again and finally pulled his manhood free. She sank to her knees slowly in front of him, looking him in the eyes as she did, and licking her lips. She pulled him into her warm, wet mouth with wonton excitement.

She had surprised him, all Brison could do was put his hands against the door and moan as she claimed him in such a fashion. "BY the gods Calia." he managed to gasp out as she continued to lavish attention to him.

Calia moaned around him, letting him feel the humming vibration of her tongue and throat against him. She suckled him so he felt every bit of velvet inside her mouth. She had learned this from the other maids of the house, those who were more experienced in pleasuring men. She continued this affection for only a few moments before she pulled away and rose to her feet again, kissing him hard. Her inner thigh brushed against his hip as she lifted her leg.

Brison lifted her up into his arms and turned taking them to the bed and laying her on her back then joining with her. She had awoken that side of him that desired to be inside her and wanting to share that pleasure of their joining. He pushed himself fully into her and began to thrust back and forth as they continued to kiss. There really weren't any more words to say between them, they had already been said, right now was just sounds of satisfaction and desire.

Calia moved with him, her movements fueled by her desire for him. She rocked her hips, and braced herself against the bed with hot gasps and whines for more. One of her legs looped behind his back to keep him closer, urging him to grind deep against her.

Lowering his mouth, Brison kissed her neck and trailed up towards her ear before returning to her mouth. His hands held her hips and held her between thrusts and grinds, everything else fell away except the two of them and their joining. Their eyes locked on one another, Brison could not help but still take in her beauty which made him want her more.

There wasn't anything else to think about. Calia was lost in him just as he was in her. She panted and moaned his name, a hand snaking up to grip his hair, and she whimpered that she was close. She wanted to be lost to that galaxy of climax with him. Her body was already starting to tighten and pulse around him.

Brison whispered breathing heavy in her ear that he too was close as he continued to thrust into her. As her body began to tighten his began to swell and he knew it would only be a matter of time before.

They met that peak together, just like they wanted. Calia's moans of ecstasy were lost in Brison's mouth as she kissed him hotly at the moment of completion. She gripped to his hair, his arms, her legs tight around his waist, and her eyes closed over lightly. She didn't break the kiss until she started to come back down and she felt like she couldn't breathe, then she simply put her cheek against his and panted hard against his skin. "I love you."

"I love you too." he responded holding her close to him. He wanted to touch as much of her as he could for as long as they had. For a short time he allowed his mind to wander, they were away from Atlantis and this was their first real chance to make love in their new home. It would be wonderful to be free and be able to start a family and give Isidor brothers and sisters.

"I had such a strange dream about you, Brison," Calia whispered with a small laugh. "We were like this... wrapped up in each other. But there was something different about you. You were glowing... a deep, stormy blue. And behind you was a shadow... vaguely human, but so much more powerful. I think you have a God looking after you." she whispered, combing his hair with her fingers.

"I think they have something better to do rather than watch over me." he chuckled letting his fingers trace designs on her skin. Brison wanted nothing to do in the affairs of gods, he wanted a peaceful quiet life with his family. In most of the stories none of the heroes lived lives like that, nor were they very long lives. Calia and Isidor were all he wanted, Dominus and the others were more than good friends and could come with them, but he wanted his family first.

Calia giggled at him lightly, both at his words and his touches. "Brison, the affairs of humans are all the Gods have to do." she winked. She kissed his lips lightly and hugged him tightly, nuzzling her face into his neck. She held him as long as she possibly could before mumbling sadly, "You should go... speak with Ragan and Zarka.. I should return to work."

"You." he squeezed her backside lightly, "Should go pack yourself and our boy and prepare to leave for Noam's. I will not leave without you and him." Brison knew he needed to prepare Zarka and her house to move quickly, but he needed just a few more moments with Calia. Her faith in him restored his spirit and gave him a reason to fight on, for their futures.

Calia's eyes sparkled as she looked up at him again. She kissed his lips firmly, deeply, and breathed against his skin, took in his scent and the smell of them together. "Brison... You know I truly love you. You have to know. With all my heart, and for so long. I watched you with Ptoli and envied her so... And now you're mine and I feel so blessed. I pray to whatever God or Goddess that gave me you that we have a long, loving life together, full of children and peace."

"First, we must escape this place and find somewhere to be free." he said returning her kiss. Then he smiled, "Enough talk though, I'll never deliver Noam's invitation if we keep up like this. I want you to go and prepare, we won't have long before we need to move everyone." Even though his words were full of purpose, his body was more than happy to remain with Calia in this bed.

"You're right..." Calia said, her tone soft, sad, and wistful. She stroked his cheek adoringly a moment, then kissed him one last time before shifting out from under him. She stood and gathered her robes from the floor, fastening them on herself quickly and efficiently. "I will go find Isidor and start packing us. I'll send Dominus to you, if you'd like?"

Brison gathered his clothes and armor and redressed, "No, if he wishes to keep an eye on you two fine, if not he might as well start mobilizing the rest of the house to start preparing to move." After leaving Calia he headed out to find Zarka or Ragan, which proved rather difficult until he finally came to Zarka's chambers and there he paused a second before knocking on the door. "Lady Zarka? It's Brison, I have returned from Master Noam's and the city." he called out and waited for a response.

There was some shuffling beyond the door, and some hushed voices. Zarka eventually called, "Enter!" but only after Ragan and she were dressed and settled with him standing off to the side of her bed.

Brison entered and waited for one of them to acknowledge him, "Mistress , I have returned from meeting with Noam. We believe a group called Bronzegarde were hired to attack your home, Noam has extended an invitation for you to bring your household to his while I and several men go and hunt out the Bronzegarde." He then waited for any questions or remarks that either might have about this development.

Zarka, sitting straight with a rigid back, glanced at Ragan as Brison said these things, and raised a brow, before she cleared her throat and said to Brison, "Thank you for your diligence, gladiator, but Ragan has already found the one who hired the Bronzegarde. He's confronted the culprit and we should be safe now." she said gently. "I do not think staying at Noam's is necessary."

Before Ragan had a chance to say anything Brison continued, "I believe that hired these assassins won't stop until the job is complete. And with all due respect to Master Ragan, confronting the person who hired them might cause Bronzegarde to redouble their efforts. I arranged this not only for you Lady Zarka, but young Isidor who is too young to protect himself so I ask you to reconsider, if Bronzegarde returns before you hire more guards I fear what may befall your house."

Zarka pursed her lips a little. She glanced between the two men, then stood from her bed and started to pace a little, thinking about it deeply. Finally, she turned to Brison and nodded. "Very well. We'll stay at Noam's for a night or two until we have solved this Bronzegarde situation fully. Please help ensure that everyone is packed and ready to go... I'll have a carriage prepared for us shortly."

Brison nodded and left to inform everyone what was going to happen, Ragan uncrossed his arms. "I don't disagree with him, without Bronzegarde we will be truly safe. I do however doubt he will find the one who hired them, although he seems determined." He crossed over and wrapped his arms around Zarka, "Do you need help getting things together?"

"I can call on a few maids to help." Zarka said to Ragan with a smile. She kissed him as she stood and looped her arms around his neck, then released him after a moment. "Go get your own things together. I will see you in the carriage." she said quietly.

It did not take long for most of the house to be ready to leave, some guards and servants decided to stay behind and wait for the new staff to arrive. Brison gave them leave if Zarka agreed and then the procession of people left for Noam's house. Ragan decided to ride beside the carriage and leave Zarka, Calia and little Isidor ride inside. Brison walked in the front of the group with several gladiators and Dominus brought up the rear. It would be important to swivel the defense if Bronzegarde tried again.

The ride to Noam's was quiet and uneventful, as Zarka suspected it would be. The Bronzegarde would not attack in broad daylight, in the middle of the city. They arrived at Noam's without incident and once there, and with the heavy gates to the property closed and locked, Dominus moved to inform Noam of their arrival while Brison and Ragan got Zarka, Calia, and Isidor out from the carriage.

Isidor reached out for his father as they were starting to exit the carriage, Brison tried to look surprised, but took the little boy in his arms and waited until Calia exited before handing him to her. Ragan had went and helped Zarka down as the doors opened and Noam came out from the main house, "Welcome to my home Lady Zarka and Master Ragan stay as long as you need this is a safe place for you."

Zarka gave Noam the natural, smooth and confident smile she usually wore around him and other lords outside of her house, and gave him a proper curtsy as he approached. "We thank you, deeply, Master Noam, for allowing us sanctuary in your home. How could we ever repay you?"

As Zarka went to greet and converse with Noam, Calia adjusted Isidor on her hip and looked at Brison. She spoke with her voice low. "Will there be room for us in the house? Or will I be sleeping in the maids' quarters?" She was concerned about not being able to sleep with Isidor in her arms.

"Noam knows about my connection with Isidor and with you, he will see to it that you are not parted." Brison returned the whisper to her. In truth the old gladiator might have a couple tricks up his sleeve.

"No thanks or repayment are needed, how would it look if I could do something and let something wicked happen to my business partner. In truth I have several things to discuss about our business, so I assume you will want your maid nearby to keep the little one entertained while we handle business." he motioned towards Calia and Isidor. "But, we can discuss that over supper. Please this way, the servants will handle your baggage."

"Thank you," Zarka smiled at Noam and looked back at the carriage, where servants were already unloading their luggage. She looked at Ragan and looped her arm through his elbow as they headed into the house.

Calia watched them go, then looked at Brison with a small frown. She waited until she was sure no one was looking to stand on her toes and kiss him quickly. "I'll come see you as soon as I can."

Brison smiled before trying to remain stoic, he saw that Dominus and Cromignon saw their exchange. "Master," he began to call after Noam, but the older man cut him off. "Eat and rest then pick no more than a dozen to go with you, if they number in enough that thirteen cannot prevail return here and I will request city soldiers or other owners to bolster our numbers."

Calia glanced back at Brison as she heard those commands and she suddenly felt scared. She bounced Isidor on her hip to keep him occupied, though truthfully the toddler was more interested in the change of scenery. She followed Zarka and Ragan into the house, keeping her eyes down and trying to hide her concern.

Brison nodded and walked off to get some food and see who would go with him, Dominus and Cromignon would be his first choice. Cranth while experienced, would be far better served as lead defender of the house and those within. As he gathered some food he looked around at the other gladiators and weighed the best decisions. He had seen Calia's concern before she entered the house and made a mental note to return to her alive.

Dominus and Cromignon were already at Brison's sides as he contemplated who to take with him. No one else stepped forward, even though Cranth had thoroughly spread the word of Brison's quest. Dominus kept his voice low. "They are afraid. Bronzegarde are not easily beaten."

Brison looked at Dominus, and a smile broke across his face, "Easily beaten?" He walked into the middle of the compound and hopped onto a table, "Is this true? Are you afraid of Bronzegarde? Cowards who attack the home of a senator under the cover of darkness?" Looking at those who could hear him Brison continued, "Thanatos and house guards fought them off until I arrived from sleep to help hold the line. The Senator's son even killed a member of their ranks, we beat the snakes back into the hills. Now Noam's warriors, gladiators of such skill and power refuse to chase them down? I thought my compatriots were made of sterner stuff." Inside Brison hoped that his words would win him at least five or more men, some were nodding their heads at his words.

Dominus watched Brison, folding his arms across his chest with a coy smirk on his lips. Cromignon was bobbing his head along with everyone else. There were some quiet murmurs among themselves, and a few more men stepped forward to voice their support. Thanatos was among them. All in all, Brison had eight sturdy men willing to go with him.

"Very well, the rest of you will remain with Cranth as he will be in charge of the defense here." Brison told them before jumping down. He had hoped for a dozen or more, but with the eight he did have it would have to work. As he approached his men, he said, "Prepare yourselves while I go and report to Noam, then we leave to begin our hunt."

Dominus nodded at Brison and the others mirrored the action. He led them into the armory where they began to put on their armor, gather their shields, and take up their weapons.

Brison entered the house and waited for Noam outside the dining room, "Master Noam, I have eight men willing to go with me. I would have prefered more, but I will take what I have." Noam wanted a dozen, but if the rest had no stomach for fighting the Bronzegarde then so be it. He just wanted to get this threat to Calia and Isidor eliminated.


Username (or number or email):


2016-12-25 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Okay, it worked that time. I'm also putting together stockings and Santa gifts right now, so I'm a tad slow.

2016-12-30 [Sheamus Finn]: I don't know if I'm feeling that last post....what do you think?

2016-12-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol wow, he changed his mind fast. I thought Calia would need to do some more convincing. :P

2016-12-31 [Sheamus Finn]: Well, they haven't had sex yet.....

2016-12-31 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol no, not yet, but I thought he wouldn't even be open to the idea yet.

2016-12-31 [Sheamus Finn]: better?

2017-01-19 [Sheamus Finn]: Did you want to post a reaction or should we move to the arena?

2017-01-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Yeah, I'll post, sorry. I was at work all day.

2017-01-19 [Sheamus Finn]: No problem, I'm gonna be stuck with work and a dinner meeting. So tonight I won't be on until 9pm

2017-01-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Okay. I want to try to go to sleep early tonight, I'm so tired. Luckily, the next two days are my days off.

2017-01-19 [Sheamus Finn]: No problem. Broken Skies question: What did the Vlaurians do with their ships and tech? And are there any scientists in the bunker?

2017-01-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I don't think it would be entirely out of the question to have scientists in the bunker. Though I think if the Xiox have been chasing them for the last two hundred years, killing their most intelligent scientists/inventors would have been the firs step the queen would have done to cripple the Vluaran race... thus why the Vluaran's have been stuck on Earth for so long: they had no one to invent/fix their ships.

2017-01-26 [Sheamus Finn]: How do you want to handle these matches?

2017-01-26 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Hmm... I think I can handle Dominus' match on my own, you can take the girl and her fight (make it brief if you want, because she's not a main character) and then we can play Brison's match together?

2017-01-27 [Sheamus Finn]: sounds good.

2017-01-31 [Sheamus Finn]: Are you introducing the challenger?

2017-01-31 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Yeah, I will. Sorry, I had to finish my homework before I missed the deadline.

2017-01-31 [Sheamus Finn]: no problem, I'm off to bed almost 2am here

2017-02-01 [Sheamus Finn]: So, How big is this guy (height & width)? Brison is 5'10"

2017-02-01 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I imagine him in my head being at least 6'2", and maybe twice his size in muscle. He's just a beast.

2017-02-02 [Sheamus Finn]: So, Kimbo Slice? 6'2" 234. Feel free to delete this comment after you answer.

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